Thursday, April 26, 2012

My Top 5 Black Metal of.... now

Been a while since I worked on this heap of shit. I would apologize but I won't because I don't have to, considering you were never obligated to look at this website to begin with. Hell you probably visit this much less than I update on here so who really gives a horse shit? Although I will apologize on the quality of this post considering I'm pretty tired and lethargic, but something has to keep this dismal show going.

Anyhoo, I've been on a huge binge of standard black metal lately. The generic (non blackened death/thrash) black metal with testicles that's worth my time, not the kind of bullshit bands like Dark Funeral and Gorgoroth enjoy pulling out of their arses. Not sure why, maybe I need a break from listening to goat worshipping noise and quality gothic deathrock (it's actually better than metal at the moment so fuck yourselves) for days on end. And tonight I'm gonna write a short list of worthwhile albums to get because after a long break from it, black metal sounds so much better, like any other style of music for me.

#5: Jotunheim - Aldagautr
The first known output by this obscure Swedish duo. Although this and the next demo sound nothing like what would be their first and so far only full length, which itself is ripping raw black metal chaos. This is actually folk-influenced raw black metal... yes, raw black metal with awesome medieval melodies, occasional Isengard-style chanting/singing and even occasional traditional instruments (including a motherfucking flute on the first track that plays along the epic riffs, holy shit). I don't often see "raw black metal" and "folk" in the same sentence and I was incredibly pleased to figure out that they actually can co-exist.

#4: The Absolute of Malignity - The Absolute of Malignity
Sheer rampant anger in this album by this enigmatic band from Japan (now known today as 'Subconscious Evil'). Absolute fucking insanity without retardedness in their riffs and standard-yet-not-shit witching black metal shrieks, from start to end. Definitely a favourite of mine from their realm.

#3: Impiety - Asateerul Awaleen
A very interesting album from who I call "the asian D666". It's far different from their demo output (Abhorer/Blasphemy worshipping bestial blackdeath) or the albums after (clean-cut death/thrash). You get clear, fast-tempo black metal with typical vocals done to the extreme (angry old witch might be a good description) and occasional ambience from all-male chanting choirs (although they really sound synthetic but that doesn't really matter to me). Heavily underrated and somewhat forgotten compared to everything else they did. Check it out.

#2: Vrolok - Resurgence II: Where the Dying Meet the Dead
One of the bleakest black metal albums in existence. Along with eerie ambience and a full acoustic track with Jeremy Christner from Great American Desert, you get burdensome raw "depressing" black metal with dry vocals that are at the very line of suffering and anger, all with the sound production of what reminds me of an eerie silent film. This and Vrolok's/Sangraal's entire discography are definitely worthy listens if you haven't checked it out yet.

#1: Katharsis - Kruzifixxion
The best thing from Germany in my honest opinion, and along with their last two albums my favourite by this german trio. Just straight up old school raw black metal the way it fucking should be. From the start to the end you get sinister and violent black metal with apocalyptic riffs and battery perfectly aligning with them, all molded together by a desolate cathedral-like atmosphere, occasional well-timed ambience and Drakh's amazing and possessed vocals that have made a welcome return from their previous efforts. Everything (what is supposed to be) black metal can be found in this 6 song epic.

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